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Item # Description
1 Open Tools Dropdown
2 Charts
3 Seatplan Creator
4 Custom Audio
5 Audio Trouble Shooter
6 AirTool Debugger


You must enter a 4 letter ICAO code for AirTool to load the charts

Loading A Chart:

1) Open the Charts window

2) Enter the ICAO code of the airport you want to load Ex. EGKK (1)

3) Click Search (2)

Expand to see an example of the charts window

Seatplan Creator/Editor

Item # Description
1 Manufacturer Name
2 Aircraft Model
3 Rows Selector
4 Upper Deck Rows
5 Columns Selector
6 Generate Seatplan
7 Load Created Seatplan For Editing
8 Add An Isle
9 Deck Selector
10 Save Seatplan Locally
11 Save Seatplan Locally & Upload To The Server

Creating Seatplans

1) Open the Seatplan Creator

2) Enter the Manufacturer (1 Ex. Airbus) and Model (2 Ex. A320) of the aircraft you want to create a seatplan for (1)

3) Set the number of rows 3 (⬌) as well as the upper deck rows 4 if you are looking to make a multi deck seatplan and columns 5 (⭥)

4) Click Generate (6)

5) You've just created a seatplan! For instructions on how to edit the seatplan, see the instructions below.

Editing Seatplans

If you are here after just creating a seatplan, you can ignore this step and move on to the actual editing bit

To load a seatplan for editing, click Load Seatplan (7) This will allow you to open any downloaded seatplans you have for editing.

Adding Isles

1) Click the Add Isle button (8)

2) Select any seat in the row you want to add an isle to

You'll notice that the whole row of the seat you've just selected has turned red. This means that no seats from the row will be shown, thus creating an isle.

Adding Washrooms

Adding washroom is really easy! All you have to do is click twice on the seat which you want to turn into a washroom. Since clicking on it once disables the seat (Turning it red), you just have to click it once more to turn it into a washroom.

Saving Seatplans

Saving Seatplans Locally

All you have to do is click Save Seatplan Locally (10) and AirTool will automatically save the seatplan you've just created to the correct folder.

Saving Seatplans Locally & Uploading To The Server

1) Click Save & Upload (11)

2) Verify the shown info is correct and click Confirm & Upload

Once confirmed, AirTool will automatically save the seatplan you've just created to the correct folder as well as upload it to the server for anyone to download and use.

Custom Audio

Creating Audio Packs

Editing Audio Packs

Generic Extra Audio

Boarding Audio

Audio Pack Sharing

Installing Audio Packs

Audio Troubleshooter

AirTool Debugger

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