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The AirTool workshop is the one stop shop for all of the community created seatplans!

Workshop requires you to be logged in to AirTool. See here for more info about account creation

Installing Community Seatplans:

1) Open the AirTool workshop by clicking the Workshop tab in the top menu bar inside the AirTool app.

2) Pick a seatplan either by using the search and filter functions or by scrolling though the list until you find the seatplan you want.

Seatplan Preview: Seat = [ ] & Washroom = [W]

Item # Description
1 Sort By Manufacturer (Dropdown)
2 Custom Text Search
3 Search Button
4 Clear All Filters/Custom Searches
5 Delete An Uploaded Seatplan (Seatplan Author Only)
6 Download The Selected Seatplan
7 Info For The Selected Seatplan
8 Seatplan Preview

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