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Flight Setup

In order to use PaxSim you must have an AirTool Account

You need an AirTool account to use PaxSim because otherwise we wouldn't have a way to award you with score.

Once you are logged in, click on Flight Setup and then Passenger. In the latest version of LukeAirTool, you need to enter the following info

Setup Page 1

Menu Item Description
Aircraft Here you will enter the aircraft you want to use. If your aircraft is not listed, simply choose an aircraft that is close to the one you are using. Also please let us know what aircraft is missing from the list
Flight Number You can enter anything that you want
Flight Type Select Commercial flight
Sim Choose what sim you are using. If your sim is not listed, choose MSFS2020 or if its another version of X-Plane, choose X-Plane 11
Manufacturer Here you would select aircraft you are using. For example if you are flying A32NX, you would select AIRBUS. If you want to download more seat plans check out WORKSHOP
Model Pick whichever seat layout you'd like
Departure Enter the airport you are departing. Make sure you enter the ICAO
Destination Enter your destination airport here. You will need to enter ICAO
Verify Route (Button) Once you enter your departure and destination airport you will need to click the Verify button so that the route is registered
Layover Flight (Toggle) If you want to do a layover flight you can toggle this on. Layover flight means that once you land at your destination, you can reload passengers and go to your next airport. For example EGKK -> EBBR -> EDDF
Instaboard (Toggle) If you don't want to wait for passengers to board you can load then instantly. Toggle this on and passengers should all board within 5 seconds
Use Cabin Crew (Toggle) Toggle this if you want your passengers to be attended to by your cabin crew instead of you click on a passenger manually to gain points
Number of Pax This is the number of your passengers that will board your aircraft. Max total number of passengers is determined by the number of available seats in the seat plan
Random (Button) Randomizes number of passengers that will board
Next (Button) This will take you over to the next page

Setup Page 2

Menu Item Description
Auto Announcements (Toggle) This toggle allows you turn on automatic announcements. Audio will be triggered automatically depending on your aircrafts' state. This is also ideal for VR users
Use Virtual Airline Announcements (Toggle) If you are part of a virtual airline that is in the list, you can select announcements here. If not, you can request your virtual airline to have custom made announcements. Please contact Luke via email
Use Audio+ (Toggle) If you own AirTool+ you'll have access to 900+ airline announcements with automatic destination detection. Audio+ is still under development and will soon expand further
Play ATC Live Radio (Toggle) You will need to setup ATC live radio. A tutorial on how to set up Live ATC is present on our YouTube channel
Airline (Dropdown) Select your airline here. The announcements which play in PaxSim are based on this selection
Previous & Next (Buttons) Navigation Buttons

Setup Page 3

Here you'll just get a breakdown of the options you've selected and the route you're about to fly. If you are happy with it simply click START PASSENGER SIMULATOR. You need FSUIPC installed and be running when you press this. For help with installing, head over here for MSFS setup and here for X-Plane Setup.

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