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PaxSim Overview


FSUIPC or XPUIPC (X-Plane) is required for PaxSim. Check out the either the MSFS Installation or X-Plane Installation docs if you don't have FSUIPC or XUIPC installed already.

What your PaxSim main window looks like. All number labels are explained in the table below
Number/Item Description
1 Mini Mode
2 Your current score earned from serving passengers
3 Board and Deplane passengers here. You have to have active FSUIPC running as well as need to be at your departure airport. Make sure you're on the ground as well... Passengers cannot board whilst your aircraft is flying.
4 Stats from the sim. First from top, you have your speed, below that on the left is your altitude then next to that is your heading. Under the altitude is your remaining distance. You can also see your departure and arrival ICAO's You can double click on ICAO to show charts from that airport
5 Main airline announcement controls
6 Your custom 11 sounds which can be added in custom audio
7 Volume settings
8 Map displaying your current location with coordinates bellow the map. Double click on the map to display a big version in browser. This can also be accessed via the map page and entering your username
9 Other aircraft and PaxSim stats
10 Display METAR for departure and arrival airports
11 Pushback assist. This allows you to request pushback. You need to turn this feature on in settings.
12 View your flight logs
13 Toggle cabin crew. If the button is glowing purple, this means that cabin crew is turned on. Also use this feature if you wont be by your computer whilst flying.
14 Toggle WiFi. In future this will go towards your passenger satisfaction level
15 Divert your flight to another airport.
16 Toggle ATC radio chatter. More info here
17 Current seat plan loaded
18 FSUIPC Status
Connected - FSUIPC is working properly
Disconnected - Unable to connect and score earning is paused
Not Connected - Same as disconnected
19 Simulator date & time
20 Force PaxSim on top of all your other windows (Toggle)
21 Open live chat
22 - File Settings - This will open app settings
Update Bonus Score - This will pull the latest bonus score. This is done automatically anyway
Resize - If your window changes size for some reason, this will reset to default size
Bug Report - Report a bug to server admin
Connect to sim - If you don't connect to FSUIPC automatically, you can force a connection here. PaxSim will not be active if FSUIPC is not connected
Reconnect to sim - Reconnect to PaxSim if for some reason it has disconnected. PaxSim will automatically try and reconnect to FSUIPC
Disconnect from sim - Disconnect from FSUIPC. If you do so, you will not be able to continue getting score.
22 - Pilot Pilot announcements
22 - OTA (Over The Air) OTA has changed and its's a lot simpler. Check out instructions here
22 - View Another way to access features 11 - 16
22 - Info Display other information that PaxSim has set
22 - Manage / Tools Quick Settings - Turn on/off do not disturb. This will stop notifications from coming up.
Charts - Display charts
Reset PaxSim UI - This will reset the UI
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