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Scoring & Leaderboards

Everything that you do in PaxSim and Cargo is scored. Your score gets synced to our servers. Score also goes towards your rank which you can learn more about here.

Currently if you assist your passenger manually (having cabin crew turned off), you will gain extra 35 points for each event.

You will make more score when you are not using cabin crew. Use cabin crew when you don't want to have to manually click each passenger to gain points.

Request Score
7UP 42
Black Coffee 35
Cappuccino 40
Chocolate 45
Coca Cola 42
Chips/Crisps 40
Headphones 52
Heat Milk Bottle 10
Hot Chocolate 38
Iced Tea 37
Latte 40
Magazine 10
Panini 38
Pillow 52
Sandwich 30
Sparkling Water 30
Sprite 42
Still Water 28
Tea 35
Ignoring A Passenger Request -250 (Point Deduction)

This score is subject to change at any time. This also includes bonus score.

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