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AirTool Settings Overview


Item # Description
1 Enter/Paste Your Product Code Here
2 Activate The Product Corresponding To The Inserted Product Code
3 Restore All Activated Products Linked To An AirTool Account
4 List Of All Your Currently Activated Products

General App

Item # Description
1 The Default Simulator Used By PaxSim
2 Toggle Auto Scaling Seatplans Larger Than AirTool's Window Size
3 Toggle Auto Playing Seatbelt Dings When Passing Certain Altitudes
4 How Fast Pax Load. Time Is In Seconds Per Individual Passenger
5 The Altitude At Which PaxSim Will Start Giving You Score
6 Toggle The Ability To Control Pushback Through AirTool
7 Toggle AirTool Staying On Top Of All Other Windows
8 Toggle Announcements Window Loading On Startup Instead Of The AirTool Home Screen
9 The SimBrief Username Used To Import The Flight Into PaxSim
10 Toggle The Ability To Control AirTool With Touch Portal (Coming Soon)
11 Change The Language AirTool Uses
12 Load Settings From Backup
13 Backup Current Settings
14 Toggle PaxSim Desktop Notifications
15 Toggle Cargo Desktop Notifications
16 Toggle General Desktop Notifications
17 Toggle Between The Full Overlay And The Collapsed Overlay
18 Toggle PaxSim VR Mode
19 Setup PaxSim VR Mode


Item # Description
1 Full - Displays All The Info In Your Discord Status
2 Limited - Only Displays Flight Info With No Status For Menu Browsing
3 Off - Doesn't Display Any Discord Status


Item # Description
1 Pick Between Bing, OSM (Open Street Maps), & Google Maps To Provide AirTool With Mapping Data
2 Pick Between Server & Local and Local To Control Where Mapping Data Comes From
3 Get Location Names From The Specified Map Source Instead Of From AirTool's Servers
4 Pick Between , and . For Displaying Coordinates. Ex. 51.15487 vs 51,15487
5 The Format In Which AirTool Will Display Distances. The Options Are Kilometers, Miles, or Nautical Miles


Item # Description
1 Launch AirTool's Audio Troubleshooter
2 Force AirTool To Download Ambient Audio Files
3 Auto Sync Audio Files On Launch
4 Automatically Play Announcements During Certain Flight Phases. Ex. Passing 10,000ft -> Duty Free Announcement
5 Only Play Audio When Inside The Aircraft. Ex. External Camera Views Will Mute Audio Playback
6 Change TTS Announcement Language. Currently The Current Options Are: English, French, and Spanish
7 Save & Set The Selected Language
8 Main Announcement Volume Slider
9 Ambient Noise Volume Slider
10 Pilot Announcement Volume Slider
11 Live ATC Volume Slider
12 Custom Live ATC Source Link
13 Save & Use The Added Custom ATC Source
14 Save The Current Volume Levels To Be Automatically Used


Configurable Buttons

You are now able to configure AirTool's homepage by assigning the buttons custom functions such as:

  • Quick open the LukeAirTool Tutorials
  • Quick open the AirTool Discord
  • Quick open the about page
  • Quick open the profile page
  • Quick open the mail page
  • Start a PaxSim flight
  • Start a Cargo flight
  • Quick open the seatplan creator
  • Quick open the workshop
  • Quick launch FSUIPC

To configure the buttons:

1) Open the AirTool customization settings

Customization Settings Page

2) Select a button you want to customize. You'll notice that the text will change to say Currently Editing: <Button Name>

3) Select an option from the dropdown menu. This will become the new action that the button will perform.

4) Once you have chosen the function you want to assign to the button, click the Set button.

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